Ingredients for 11 scones :1 egg 200g de farine T65 bio 10g yeast (1 bag) 45g sugar 2.5 cups milk 25 g of margarine |
You can add :
chocolate chips or raisins |
Preheat oven to 175 degrees. Mix all ingredients. | |
Have a ball pâte.Si your dough is too dry add a little milk. | |
Do 11 small balls. | |
Ask 11 flattening balls on a plate furnished with a silicone mat or paper sulfurisé.Badigeonner milk.
Bake at 175 ° 10 15min at the time your scones or just gold, but not too much otherwise they become too dry ! |
It's ready for a breakfast or a goûter.Notons that this recipe was given to me by a charming Irish in a Bed and Breakfast. | |
Scones with raisins and chocolate chips. | |
Nature scones with jam !With this tea is perfect. |