Easy stick

Easy stick Ingredients:

36 ml water
2 teaspoons of salt
2 teaspoons of sugar
2 tablespoon of sunflower oil
600g de farine T65 bio
15g of yeast bio

Easy stick
Easy stick Once the program has finished.
Easy stick Remove dough from machine and place it on a floured surface.
Cut into 4 equally, or 5 shares for baguettes thinner.
Easy stick Flatten into a long piece of dough with the palm of the hand.
Easy stick Fold in half the solder paste by pressing with your fingers.
Easy stick Flatten into a long piece of dough with the palm of the hand.
Easy stick Fold in half the solder paste by pressing with your fingers. Riding on the work plan baquettes Finally the form.
Easy stick Place 4 baguetteswelding up, on two baking trays parchment paper or a plate silicone.Placer plates in an oven at 35 ° to lift; about 40 to 60 minutes.
Easy stick The baguettes lifted.
Easy stick Cut on 0,5 cm deep with a cutter or the incisette stick.
Spray baguetteswater and put a bowl of boiling water at the bottom of your four.Mettre at 200 ° cook 15 to 20 min by monitoring and spraying the water baguettes at least 4 times during cooking.
Easy stick Sorter from oven and cool on a grille.les rods from the center are sprayed several times more gold !
Easy stick A nice batch ! Freeze when cool.
Easy stick A beautiful stick Easy is much better than my local baker !!!
Easy stick In rolls for guests.

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  1. Super Marie! I tried, with success, this recipe in 2009 and now that I have more time, I find it with pleasure. Merciiiiii!

    1. thank you !! you have to try the other breads 😉

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