
Pannetone Ingredients :10cups milk
60g melted butter
50g sugar
1 organic lemon zest
100g raisins
1/2 teaspoon of salt
450g de farine bioT65
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 packet of yeast
en option : pieces of preserved lemon
Pannetone Place all ingredients in the order your bread machine. Program dough (1About H30).
Pannetone The dough after the program ended.
Prepare until the program ends : with greaseproof paper disc to the bottom of the dish, and a band for the tour. Notch band.
Pannetone Fold the notches
Pannetone Ask around in the dish, and the disk.
Pannetone Pending completion of the program to a glass or two to hold the paper.
Pannetone Remove dough from bread machine, support with your fist in the center of the dough and then re-form a ball. Laying there in the dish. Let rise in oven at 35 °. The pannetone a levé. Brush with milk using a brush top.
Preheat oven to 200 ° and bake at 160 ° for 40 50min according to the furnaces. To make absolutely good for cooking.
Pannetone The pannetone is cooked.
Pannetone Place on a rack and remove paper.
pannetone Cool completely before a couper.Pour “travel” Italy is nothing like a good pannetone and an espresso !

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  1. It looks so good that I wonder how to make this recipe when you don't have a bread maker …

    1. to knead in a robot 20 minutes, then let rise at 35 ° then knead in a food processor for another 10min then raise again at 35 °

  2. great recipe, Marie, well done and continue !!!

  3. WOW!!!!! So here I am, who has dreamed of making a panettone for years!! I was blocking because I didn't have the right mold.
    To be, there is no more excuse…
    Except that my oven does not go down to 35 °…
    sniff sniff

    1. if the oven is not 35 °, put it to rise in a place without drafts and warm!

  4. Hello

    please confirm to me if it is 3 yellow or 3 whole eggs

    1. 3 whole eggs ; if I don't specify it is still whole

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